Oral Presentations

  • Cartaud, A., Coello, Y., & Aranguren, M. (2022, September). Risk aversion and regulation of interpersonal distances when interacting with masked and unmasked characters in a context of uncertainty. European Society of Cognitive Psychology - ESCOP, Lille, France.

  • Cartaud, A. (2021, September). How the peripersonal space and emotional (contextual) information contribute to the regulation of interpersonal distances. Workshop Space perception and social interaction in virtual reality, Tourcoing, France.

  • Cartaud, A., & Coello, Y. (2021, September). Implication of the peripersonal space and emotional information in the regulation of interpersonal distances. International Conference on spatial cognition - ICSP, Online ICSC.

  • Cartaud, A., Lenglin, V., & Coello, Y. (2021, September). Contrast effect of emotional context on interpersonal distance regulation. European Conference on Visual Perception - ECVP, Online ECVP.

  • Cartaud, A., & Coello, Y. (2020, March). ATHOS, une base de données de personnages virtuels pour des environnements 3D en libre accès. 6e Rencontre Chercheurs Praticiens, Tourcoing, France.

  • Cartaud, A., Ott, L., Honoré, J. & Coello, Y. (2019, September). Dissociated effect of facial expression presented at the perceptual threshold on social comfort distance and electrodermal activity. European Society of Cognitive Psychology - ESCOP, Tenerife, Spain.

  • Cartaud, A., Ruggiero, G., Ott, L., Iachini, T., & Coello, Y. (2018, September). Emotional response to facial expressions in peripersonal space determines interpersonal distance in social interaction. International Conference on spatial cognition - ICSP, Rome, Italy.

  • Cartaud, A., Ruggiero, G., Iachni, T. & Coello, Y (2017, August). Effet du contexte émotionnel sur la perception des distances interpersonnelles, Société Française de Psychologie - SFP, Nice, France.

  • Cartaud, A., & Coello, Y. (2016, December). Modulation de la perception de l’espace par les émotions. XIe Journée Scientifique des Jeunes Chercheurs en Psychologie, Lille, France.

  • Cartaud, A., & Coello, Y. (2016, June). Étude comportementale et neurocognitive de la perception visuelle des objets et de l'espace en environnement virtuel. Journée des doctorants des Sciences et Cultures du Visuel, Tourcoing, France.

Poster Presentations

  • Cartaud, A., Vergilino-Perez, D., & Chaby, L. (2023, September). The influence of gaze behavior and personality traits on the recognition of subtle emotional facial expressions. European Society of Cognitive Psychology - ESCOP, Porto, Portugal.

  • Butti, N., Montirosso, R., Cartaud, A., Coello, Y., & Urgesi, C. (2022, September). Peripersonal Space and Interpersonal Distance in Overgrowth Syndromes: Preliminary Evidence of How Altered Body Experience Affects Action and Social Spaces. European Society of Cognitive Psychology - ESCOP, Lille, France.

  • Lenglart, L., Cartaud, A., Quesque, F., Sampaio, A., & Coello, Y. (2022, September). Object coding in peripersonal space depends on object ownership. European Society of Cognitive Psychology - ESCOP, Lille, France.

  • Cartaud, A., Ruggiero, G., Ott, L., Iachini, T., & Coello, Y. (2019, March). Effect of facial expressions on physiological responses and social distance in virtual reality. International Convention of Psychological Science - ICPS, Paris, France.

  • Cartaud, A., Ruggiero, G., Iachini, T., & Coello, Y. (2017, October). How do we spatially and physiologically code other’s emotional state? GDR Vision, Lille, France.

  • Cartaud, A., Ruggiero, G., Bruyelle, J-L., Iachini, T., & Coello, Y. (2016, November). Effect of emotional context on space perception. Motor Behavior and Emotion, Lille, France.

  • Cartaud, A., Ruggiero, G., Bruyelle, J-L., Iachini, T., & Coello, Y. (2016, September). Effect of emotional context on space perception and electrodermal activity. Emotional Brain and Pathology Annual meeting 2016 of the Société de Psychophysiologie et de Neurosciences cognitives, Lille, France.

  • Cartaud, A., Wamain, Y., Pinheiro, A., & Coello, C. (2016, August). Motor activity associated with perceived object depends on its location in space and previous interactions: an EEG study. European Conference on Visual Perception - ECVP, Barcelona, Spain.